PlantUP is based on the dynamic interaction between two key elements, the scientific expertise and know-how of selected research entities from Greece. At present, research on the plant wealth of Greece is fragmented and therefore insufficient for the feasible exploitation of the unique biodiversity available and unparalleled plant wealth. This consortium has been created with the aim of maximizing complementarity between research teams from different scientific disciplines, thus linking all the links in the chain to the exploitation of plant capital. In particular, it includes the production of propagating material, pioneering cultivation methods, plant protection techniques, the detection of natural product sources, the assessment of their characteristics, the exploitation areas, the commercial production of the raw material in sustainable agricultural systems, the industrial production of the active compounds , the standardization and certification of products, and the marketing of finished products. The PlantUP consortium consists of internationally recognized experts from 9 of the leading scientific institutes and in Greece in the fields of agricultural science, agronomy, chemistry of natural products, engineering, biology, phytopathology, chemistry, etc.

It is worth noting that both the Operator of the Act and the Principal of the Act, Prof. L. Skaltsounis and his team have long experience and know-how in the implementation of national and European research programs, as well as in co-operation with private organisms, which guarantees the smooth course and success of PlantUP. In addition, collaborating organizations have a long experience in the design and implementation of research programs that are another key element in achieving the ambitious yet realistic objectives of the present EE.

Specifically, PlantUP’s collaborators are: